Dosing Pumps

Dosing pumps are used for the transfer of an identified liquid. This transfer is usually provided from one container to another container or process. Dosing pumps allow transfers to open containers, closed containers and pressure lines.

With its high-precision microcontroller control and solenoid technology, AnTech dosing pumps offer models that can provide dosing with a precision of less than 0.1 ml. The models are available which can provide dosing up to 25 liters per hour at a counter pressure of 5 bars for high dosing needs and up to 3.5 liters per hour at a counter pressure of 20 bars for high-pressure dosing needs.

For mechanical diaphragm dosing pumps, it offers a wide range of products which can provide dosing up to between 1.4-14 and 4.9-49 liters per hour at a counter pressure of 5 bars and up to between 5-50 and 15-150 liters per hour at a counter pressure of 7 bars.

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