ECO Testr PH2 Waterproof

Properties :

• pH measuring range 0.0 to 14.00, 0.1 resolution, ±0.1 precision.
• Automatic calibration & automatic fluid recognition, Automatic temperature compensation
  ( ATC)
• Waterproof IP67 floatable body
• Long sensor life without replacement
• Hold function button that temporarily freezes the reading value for easy recording
• Sensor protective cover that can be used as a reservoir for calibration liquid and sample

Models :

Stock Code Model
421020050000000 ECO TESTR PH2 WATERPROOF

 Technical Specifications :

Ph Measurement Range pH 0.0 to 14.0
Precision 0.1 pH
Accuracy ± 0.1 pH
Calibration Automatic 3 Point ( pH 4 - pH 7 - pH 10)
Temperature Compensation Automatic Temperature Compensation
Operating Temperature 0 to 50 ° C
Hold Function Holding the last value on the screen with the hold key
Automatic shutdown 8.5 Minutes After Last Key Pressed
Body Lcd Display / IP 67 Waterproof Case
Need for Power 4 X 1.5V "A76" Micro Alkaline Batteries



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